#Pray for PARIS

Everyone should know that Friday 13 means ” BAD LUCK “.
This date will forever be into French peoples memories as the day , France face her most cruel Terrorist attacks , in only 1 hour, six terrorist attacks



hit France capital, more than 150 people died and 200 casualties.
After #JE SUIS CHARLIE, now is time for #Pray for Paris.

more on this can read this article,

Après les attentats simultanés qui ont touché la capitale vendredi soir, la presse française souligne unanimement le carnage provoqué par ces attaques et appelle à faire front.

C’est avant tout l’horreur de la soirée de vendredi à Paris qui marque les unes de la presse française ce samedi matin, au lendemain d’attaques simultanées dans la capitale. 120 personnes sont mortes lors de plusieurs attentats et huit assaillants ont été tués. Souvent parés de noir, commeL’Equipe qui titre simplement “L’horreur”, les quotidiens s’attardent aussi sur la violence des attaques. “Carnages à Paris” souligne Libération, “La guerre en plein Paris” titre Le Figaro, sur fond noir, “Cette fois c’est la guerre” renchérit Le Parisien.

La Une de L’ÉQUIPE ce samedi 14 novembre.pic.twitter.com/bFMyB3oMYB

— L’ÉQUIPE (@lequipe) 14 Novembre 2015
La presse quotidienne régionale retient elle aussi le mot “horreur” pour ses couvertures, comme Nice-Matin et La Voix du Nord. “Paris en sang” titre La Charente libre, “Nuit sanglante dans les rues de Paris” évoque Le Courrier Picard, quand Sud Ouest insiste sur “L’Etat d’urgence”, décrété par François Hollande.

“L’horreur à Paris”, à la une de La Voix du Nord.pic.twitter.com/jcDAAWi9L4

— Cyril Petit (@CyrilPetit) 14 Novembre 2015
Côté éditos, Jean-Marie Montali du Parisien exprime “la colère et le dégoût”. “Voilà ce qu’inspirent les assassins qui, hier, ont frappé dans Paris avec la lâcheté habituelle des terroristes”, continue-t-il. Il appelle à l’unité: “Au nom des vrais martyrs d’hier, les victimes innocentes, et au nom de la République, la France saura rester unie et faire front”. Enfin, dans Ouest-France François Régis Hutin promet: “Nous saurons faire face”.
Par Mélanie Longuet

Reduce your quality risk and protect your benefit how?.

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Veriquality Service is independent, third-party quality assurance services , so you will notice that their service
 covers all the province across China. The pricing structure for the on-site inspection services is set competitively and is based on man-day charges it’s about “$180”.
so what they do? Continue reading “Reduce your quality risk and protect your benefit how?.”



here are for this last month some opportunities for small pocket to get  a relevant advantage of their money spend, mentionned on , plan ticket charges, tuitions fee and all those others spend you did.

How come at least there is still thing you never think about but happen for some of us, by experience I know that more than 80% of Business traveller come to canton or any commercial city, face finance issues.

the only solution is may be, as I use to say to my clients ” WHY NOT MAKE A GROUPAGE”  it’s easy and reduice the cost of your merchandise shipping.

the other solutions is to check if there is any “PRECHARGE container”  just ready to go, this last one is for me the best one.

in accord to your merchandise need you will have many offer of container , already plan to receive a specify type of goods, guide you to the depot, you will be able to check befor laod the good in the container or any way you will still be able to check the goods quality because there is always a “SAMPLE” available for customers needs.

so don’t worry about finance issue, or time coming over, be just sur that the ” gude , or agency you require have all the informations.

The precharge container goods has advantage of:

No times issues

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Huges Goods types

Hight selected Factories provide the merchandise

” African nation Football Cup CAN 2012 “

Is just a short Cut fror the post ”
CAN-2012: Zambia seeks to rewrite history.
The memory is tenacious, of course inseparable from Zambia in the 28th African Cup of Nations, held in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.
April 27, 1993, off the Gabonese capital Libreville, a military aircraft flying in bad shape in the direction of Senegal, is to be held a playoff game of the 1994 World Cup . On board, eighteen members of the Zambian national team: a golden generation, came third in the CAN 1990 and quarter-finalist in 1992.


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Fight Against Poverty is to Support African’s Countries development Projects 2.0 (PART1)


poverty can touch anyone, be anywhere, don't care about skin color or how old you are...

there is may be ,like me people who have idea of what is poverty, other who can just as strong there can, imagine what poverty can look like, but what about those who live poverty issues life?

  • Do you really think that poverty is just a word? poverty is just a topic teacher talking about for get you boring?
  •  poverty is it that word your parents would like scare with it?

Continue reading “Fight Against Poverty is to Support African’s Countries development Projects 2.0 (PART1)”